PharmAlliance provides a community platform for working together on big ideas and solutions that will improve human health around the world. This partnership is for faculty, staff, and students who want to improve global healthcare through innovation in pharmacy education, professional practice, research and student collaboration.

Mission: To cultivate and pursue innovative ideas with a focus on big problems and opportunities that member institutions could not address alone
Vision: To transform pharmacy education, practice, and research worldwide
Structure: PharmAlliance consists of four working domains: Research, Education, Practice, and Student, each with leaders from each of the three schools. Domains report to the leadership group (domain leads + deans or directors), under the direction of the school deans or directors. Additionally, there is one jointly-funded program coordinator to facilitate advancement and execution of strategic priorities.
Logistics and meetings: PharmAlliance partners meet routinely, both virtually and in person. Such in-person meetings are often planned to coincide with widely attended international conferences to facilitate participation. Additionally, PharmAlliance hosts an annual PharmAlliance Week, which includes the PharmAlliance Research Sympsoium and the PharmAlliance Graduate Research E-Symposium. The PharmAlliance leadership group has monthly calls for updates and idea discussion.
Grant funding: PharmAlliance institutions are committed to providing financial and in-kind support to catalyze collaborative projects to fulfill our mission and vision. This is primarily through our new PharmAlliance Research Clusters for Doctoral Training funding scheme. The funding scheme aims to support complementary areas of science within our strategic priorities and provide a unique training experience for PhD candidates within the Partnership.
Scholarship: PharmAlliance collaborators contribute to the international scientific community through publication, joint product production, and presentation. Aside peer-reviewed journal articles, commentaries, and conference presentations, PharmAlliance collaborators have developed online learning modules, a student leadership course, curriculum guides, and text book chapters.
Student and faculty exchange: The PharmAlliance partnership encourages and supports exchange of faculty and students among member institutions. With over 100 graduate and professional student exchanges to date, the partnership is committed supporting discovery and exploration for emerging leaders in pharmacy and pharmaceutical research.

Core Values
- We are committed to excellence in all of our collaborative pursuits.
- We understand the power of a multidimensional and sustainable alliance, and how it enables our partnership to pursue solutions for major challenges in our field.
- We agree to pursue endeavors together that have the potential to create a large impact within our college/school/university, the profession, or society that could not be as effectively pursued by the Alliance members individually.
- We pledge to work together in the spirit of trust, cooperation, integrity, transparency, inclusion, empowerment, honesty, and friendship while accepting the challenge of working collaboratively on Grand Challenges of the pharmacy profession and healthcare.
- We agree that while we may pursue other partnerships and collaborations as part of our day-to-day activities, where appropriate, we will always consider the Alliance members as the “first port of call”.
- We are steadfast in our desire to make a difference through our collaborative efforts, and to pursue complex problems on behalf of the interests of underserved and vulnerable populations.
PharmAlliance Community Guidelines and Commitments
- Mission: To ensure a culture where diversity of thought, background and perspective is welcomed in our partnership’s collective pursuit of innovative ideas and solutions
- Vision: Aspire to be worldwide leaders in pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences education, practice and research through our commitment to collaborative and inclusive practices
- Community Guidelines and Commitments:
- PharmAlliance proactively seeks and values the perspectives and ideas of all its members in our collective pursuit of innovative ideas and solutions to big problems. This includes all roles, genders, races, ethnicities, religions, ages, sexualities, physical abilities, sexual identities, and cultural and geographical backgrounds.
- Our cultural intelligence events, initiatives, and opportunities are designed to be accessible by all faculty, staff, and students from each institution.
- PharmAlliance promotes advancement of research, teaching and career development for all, including those underrepresented, marginalized and/or systemically and historically discriminated against.
- PharmAlliance embeds cross-cultural interactions and encourages appreciation of cultural or other differences.
- PharmAlliance values the thoughts and perspectives of its community to constantly create a welcoming environment, fostering respect, and encourage collaboration.
- Specifically, PharmAlliance commits to:
- Inclusive panels, conference speakers, leadership, research promotion, and funding
- Access for all to events and materials. This includes, but is not limited to, consideration of time zones and core work hours, leave/vacation policies, holidays and religious observations, in-person event accessibility (travel, financial, physical requirements), accessible communication formats, remote or delayed engagement methods, invitations to collaborate, differences in technology platforms, closed captioning needs, interpreter or translator needs
- Inclusive recognition of historically marginalized populations in our initiatives, discussions, educational sessions, and research
- Purposeful engagement with cultural and other differences, as well as their historical impacts on pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences, during initiatives and activities
- Continuous quality improvement in our pursuit of these community standards through feedback from staff, faculty, students, and our external audiences
PharmAlliance Priorities (2021-2026)
- Collaborative global educational opportunities in both pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences
- Joint advocacy for pharmacy practice and practice models, facilitated through building a strong communications network
- Supporting and developing our global community
- Scholarship to support targeted, strategic global health missions in areas of critical mass and strength within our Schools, including but not limited to
- drug discovery and development in antimicrobial resistance, pandemic readiness and responsiveness
- underpinning science and translational research relating to neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders
- pharmacoepidemiology and population studies in relation to medicines safety and usage
- development of biologics (e.g., gene and cellular therapies)